iLife '05: The Missing Manual

Category: Books,Computers & Technology,Hardware & DIY

iLife '05: The Missing Manual Details

About the Author David Pogue, computer columnist for the New York Times and creator of the Missing Manual series, is the #1 bestselling Macintosh author. Period. Read more


iLife '05 is the fifth Missing Manual I've purchased. I find them helpful, informative, and fun to read. The chapter layout is logical and fluid, the index is thorough, and the entire manual is chock full of color (!) illustrations.The first few chapters will walk the beginner through iTunes and the iTunes Music store. There is even a chapter on managing your iPod.Next is iPhoto, Apple's image browser-librarian-editor. Like Apple's software, there is more than first meets the eye in these pages.Section three covers iMovie, from working with your camcorder through producing something worth burning to DVD...leading seamlessly toSection four, exploring iDVD. Both general concepts and insider-like tips abound.Section five covers GarageBand. All the above sections are much more accessable and thorough than Apple's Help system. This Missing Manual closes with more than 50 pages of troubleshooting tips for the 5 software titles, and an excellent index.The whole book is a pleasure to read, browse, or just to hold in the hand (though it's heavy--nothing skimpy about it). I find myself reading some sections completely and diving in for a just a few pages in others. A must have if you own iLife '05--whhich can be had for a song now that iLife '06 is out.

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